Our Partners
The MLS’s and Associations that Make up MLS Technology Holdings, LLC
Unlock MLS is the authoritative source for all Central Texas real estate information, serving 20,000+ real estate professionals across an 18-county region. Unlock MLS is an industry champion for data integrity and innovation, fostering accurate, timely, and complete data to deliver a reliable marketplace. As a primary owner in Remine and investor in MLS Grid, Unlock MLS provides a powerful suite of curated tools and premium benefits for our subscribers and the homebuyers, sellers, and renters they serve.

First Multiple Listing Service
First Multiple Listing Service (FMLS) is the 4th largest MLS in North America, serving nearly 55,000 real estate brokers and agents in Georgia and Alabama. FMLS provides its members with one of the most robust technology platforms in the market, including being the exclusive MLS in Georgia to offer Remine Pro. It was founded 64 years ago by a group of Brokers who wanted to share real estate listings and connect buyers and sellers and has grown exponentially since then. For additional information or to start a discussion about how we can partner, please visit GoFirstMLS.com or contact us at join@fmls.com.
Heartland MLS
Heartland MLS currently provides services to more than 12,000 subscribers and participants across 39 counties in Kansas and Missouri. Heartland MLS provides real estate professionals with reliable, cost-effective access to a suite of state-of-the-art MLS technology services and products to serve their business needs in today’s fast-paced industry. Heartland MLS is wholly owned and operated by the Kansas City Regional Association of REALTORS®.

The MIAMI Association of REALTORS® was chartered by the National Association of REALTORS® in 1920 and is celebrating 101 years of service to REALTORS®, the buying and selling public, and the communities in South Florida. Comprised of six organizations, the Residential Association, the REALTORS® Commercial Alliance, the Broward-MIAMI Association of REALTORS®, the Jupiter Tequesta Hobe Sound (JTHS-MIAMI) Council, the Young Professionals Network (YPN) Council and the award-winning International Council, it represents 52,000 total real estate professionals in all aspects of real estate sales, marketing, and brokerage. It is the largest local REALTOR® association in the U.S. and has official partnerships with 223 international organizations worldwide. MIAMI’s official website is www.MiamiRealtors.com.